Patterns of prejudice : a publication of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the American Jewish Committee / in assoc. with the Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library and the Parkes Library of the University of Southampton
Sprache: Englisch Aufsätze: Zeige unselbstständige WerkeVerlag: Abingdon Taylor & FrancisISSN:- 0031-322x
Anm.: Zusatz anfangs: a bi-monthly on international antisemitism, radical right movements and counter-activities¶Beteil. Körp. anfangs: Institute of Jewish Affairs¶25.1991 - 27.1993 halbjährl.¶London : Inst. [-1992]¶London [u.a.] : Sage [früher]¶Abingdon : Routledge [früher]
38.2004,2. The role of religion in conflict and prejudice.- -- 38.2004,3. Racialization and sport.- -- 39.2005,2. Colonial Genocide.- -- 39.2005,4. The cultural politics of multiculturalism.- Hudson, Cheryl (Hrsg.) - -- 40.2006,3 Special Issue. Boundaries, Identities and Borders: Exploring the Cultural Production of Belonging.- -- 40.2006,4/5. Race and contemporary medicine : biological facts and fictions.- / A special issue guest ed. by Sander L. Gilman. - -- 41.2007,2. Immigration and political parties in Europe.- / A special issue guest ed. by Jacqueline Andall. - -- 41.2007,3/4. Imaging transatlantic slavery and abolition.- / A special issue guest ed. by John Oldfield. - -- 42.2008,2. Race Science and the Jews in Modern Britain.- / A special issue ed. by Tony Kushner. - -- 43.2009,3/4. Anti-Muslim prejudice in the West, past and predent.- / A special issue guest ed. by Maleiha Malik. - -- 44.2010,1. Critical Reflections on David Theo Goldberg's 'The Threat of Race'.- -- 45.2011,1/2. Obama and Race : History, Culture, Politics.- / A special issue guest-edited by Richard H. King. - -- 45.2011,5. German nationalist and colonial discourse.- Musolff, Andreas ; Rash, Felicity (Hrsg.) - -- 46,2012.5. National models of integration and th crisis of multiculturalism : a critical comparative perspective.- -- 46.2012.3/4. Recializing the Soldier.- Schaffer, Gavin (Hrsg.) - -- 47.2013,3. Social Cohesion and Social Change in Europe.- -- 47.2013,4/5. Music and the other.- Shekhovstov, Anton (Hrsg.) - -- 48.2014,2. Armenians, Turks and Kurds beyond denial.- Kasbarian, Sossie ; Öktem, Kerem (Hrsg.) - -- 48.2014,5. Imaginaries of the other : past and present expressions of Islamophobia.- Skenderovic, Damir ; Späti, Christina ; Wildmann, Daniel (Hrsg.) - -- 49.2015,1/2. Gender and populist radical-right politics.- Spierings, Niels ; Zaslove, Andrej (Hrsg.) - -- 50.2016,2. Anxious Politics in the European City.- Koning, Anouk de ; Modest, Wayne (Hrsg.) - -- 50.2016,4/5. The ideologues and ideologies of the radical right.- Feldman, Matthew ; Pollard, John (Hrsg.) - -- 51.2017,1. The semantics of (anti-)racism in the governance of non-Europeanness.- / Guest-edited by Silvia Rodríguez Maeso and Marta Araújo. - --